Sunday, August 16, 2009

New Acrylics and Pen Scribbles

I did color and value scales for the acrylic stuff and had the feeling of control over the color choices for the first time with acrylics. I only used Phato Blue, Cadmium Yellow Medium, Ivory Black and Zinc White. Sadly, I didn't get it scanned/photographed to match the colors. There's more difference in the orginal pieces.

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Pen Sketches

Playing mainly with the pen. Just found out that this is a nice way to control value within the limitations.

Monday, June 29, 2009


This was another composition and story test in a nice pirates environment. The color version started as a quick test and developed into a nearly finished illustration. Below are some more sketches on the theme.

B/W Digital Scribbles

These were real fun, some fast scribbles about different themes. These were about flow, composition and how to get the idea across fast.

Further Studies

I'm working on a Comic for some time now. The Story and Panels Layouts are very far, the rest will follow. Some of the pics are studies for elements of this. More to come!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Acrylic, Goauche and Ink

Some more color stuff. I'm happy that I'm now able to better control acrylic. I did the first study from the gouache-piece in the second picture and I was able to hit the colors better than in my last attempt. The last pic shows some random composition tests.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Digital and Traditional Color Studies

The first picture is a collection of digital thumbnail color studies, the second one is my first true color study with Gouache. I love what's possible with it. The last picture is done with acrylic and a further development based on the very small Gouache study.